
MusicTheaterInstallation about “The Book of Disquiet” by Fernando Pessoa
Staatsbank, Berlin, 2003

The stage composition “Pessoares” deals with Pessoas “Book of Disqiuet”, which was first published in 1982. The evening is conceptualized as a synthesis of the arts – the different approaches to Pessoa intertwine and interact with each other. All participants are in a certain sense co-authors who have translated Pessoas “Book of Disquiet” into their own medium and language using their own different approaches of music, speech, action or visual arts.

The installations introduce the viewer into staged environments in which Pessoa’s text fragments are transformed into physically perceivable situations. The actual location of Lisbon merges with the old GDR State Bank, also a place where countless bank employees and accountants such as Soares worked in their offices.

Director: Daniel Ott, Gian Manuel Rau, David Reuter
Set design: Sabine Beyerle, David Reuter
Installations / Projections: Sabine Beyerle, Anja Fiedler, Tina Schimanski, Nadja Schöllhammer
Costumes: Sabine Hilscher
Light: Rainer Grönhagen

Actors / Musicians:
Nicole Becker, Benedikt Bindewald, Thomas Bischofsberger, Kerstin Dathe, Fernanda Farah, Josa Gerhard, Andy Göbel, Katja Götz, Katja Hylla, Deborah Klein, Sia Niskiu, Silvia Ocougne, Phillippe Perotto, Sebastian Quack, Mathild Reuter, Dietmar Rüttiger, Volker Schindel, Johanna Schneider