
Art and Performance Festival
Vashon Island, Washington State, USA, 2015

Islewilde is a collaboratively organized art and performance festival that takes place every year in August on Vashon Island, close to Seattle in Washington, USA.

A group of American and international artists spend three to four weeks in a camp in the woods without running water and electricity, on a meadow in the middle of a forest. There, installations are built together and without hierarchical structures, performances are developed, masks are created, costumes are designed and meals are prepared together. Every Saturday the collective leaves the camp and performs various small shows on the island. The whole event culminates into a great spectacle at the end of the festival, where everything that has been created is combined into a large collective show and presented to the audience in a process-like performative way.

Who are we? Glad you asked…

We are the old people. We are the new people. We are the same people, stronger than before.
We are an ever-changing community of Vashon Island residents and their friends and families.
We are from right here on Vashon, and we have traveled here from near far, plus Puerto Rico, British Columbia, Germany, Minnesota, Quebec, New York, Spain, Taiwan, Hope, Indonesia and Cloud Cuckoo Land.

We are in love with what you’re wearing. Can we borrow it?

Pedro Alvarez, Sabine Beyerle, Yuria Calidwen, Adam Ende, Margo Ende, Margo Ende, Noelle Evans, Lingling Endelin, Anja Fiedler, Maribel Haussig, Greg Hill, Pablillo José, Yuchen Lin, Anastassia Matsievaskaia, Patrick McManus, Daniel Scott Morris, Daniel Polnau, Grizzly Porter, David Reuter, Liam Reuter, Nelio Reuter, Tj Richards, Charlene Ruscalleda, Riley Schumacher, Yoshi Slabosky, Douglas Skove, Amy Tsai, Jenessa Wight and many more